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Conservatism (Latin: conservare, “to retain”)

12 Aug

History does repeat itself.

Conservatism (Latin: conservare, “to retain”)

Revolutionary times:
They had a long-standing sentimental attachment to Britain (often with business and family links). They were procrastinators who realized that independence was bound to come some day, but wanted to postpone the moment. They were cautious and afraid of anarchy or tyranny that might come from mob rule.
Finally they were pessimists “who lacked the confidence in the future displayed by the Patriots.”

Post revolutionary times:
The Federalist Party dominated by Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton and by businessmen and merchants in the major cities were supportive of the modernizing, urbanizing, financial policies of Hamilton.
“These policies included the funding of the national debt”

Intellectually, Federalists, while devoted to liberty, held profoundly conservative views attuned to the American character. They believed that liberty is inseparable from union, that men are essentially unequal, that vox populi [voice of the people] is seldom if ever vox Dei [the voice of God], and that sinister outside influences are busy undermining American integrity, As time went on, the Federalists lost appeal with the average voter and were generally not equal to the tasks of party organization.

Perhaps we are again tiring of their ideal – in which conservatives feel themselves superior to the average man and carry on with the idea “that sinister outside influences are busy undermining American integrity”.  That sentence could fuel countless conservatives into believing they must stay a ruling class; but is actually  an excuse for consciously raping the average American of their income.

Conservatism, misdiagnosed – misunderstood

12 Aug
“Conservatism is not so much a philosophy as an attitude, a constant force, performing a timeless function in the development of a free society, and corresponding to a deep and permanent requirement of human nature itself. (wiki) I guess in a liberal-political sense I could state “basing your decisions on a primordial  knee-jerk reaction to life is not prudent” but… I beleive this idea explains to me why I was conservative and resistant to change and liberals for so long. If something feels right it will take an immense counter influence to change a mind and see things differently. Since 911 the question of “why do conservatives’ need to lie, blame and incorporate hate against an opponent to win an election” has troubled me. Through a resistant and biased investigation I slowly changed from a faith in conservatism – a feeling – to an intellectual and factual political belief system as a liberal. My s…

piritual beliefs have helped me to understand my conservative alignment of the past. Wars have been fought since the beginning of time in the name of God. A strong juju in which many will fight to the death to protect. Conservatism does not base itself in logic or on empirical data, it bases itself on a feeling or attitude of “this is what I am supposed to be doing, this is how it’s supposed to be”. I believe this is also the reason many believe blindly in a God they can never hear nor see. You just know – you feel it and rely on it – you innately know it is so.. I am a believer and if you try to tell me that a God does not exist – I’ll not listen to a word you say. In other words, my belief is based on a feeling and not on actual proof a God exists. It would seem with this post I have just stated that either God exists or God does not exist comparing an innate knowledge against actual proof. Here is the dilemma conservatives’ face – Do I follow a deep conviction or do I follow what makes sense – more of a WWJD than ?. Here again I believe there is a needed balance of the two and it also explains why being a conservative and religion are so tightly intertwined. I leave you without an answer as this is a very personal decision, I would however ask that you consider what I have posted without stating this is just liberal rhetoric geared to ,,,,,? Everything is a choice. After a long time, after allowing something other than an innate knowledge to dictate my beliefs – I have found what I believe is the right way for America to proceed. But again, a balance is needed – there are times when liberals need to be reined in and conservatives’ need to be prodded to move forward. I would perfer for politcal conversations to based on understanding rather than predjudice In other words everyone is right and everyone is wrong and balance is the key.

Quotes of the wise and the wealthy

6 Aug

I believe Socialism is the grandest theory ever presented, and I am sure it will someday rule the world. Then we will have attained the Millennium.… Then men will be content to work for the general welfare and share their riches with their neighbors.

Tony Blair


The issue is Socialism versus Capitalism. I am for Socialism because I am for humanity. We have been cursed with the reign of gold long enough. Money constitutes no proper basis of civilization. The time has come to regenerate society — we are on the eve of universal change.

Winston Churchill


Jesus was the first socialist, the first to seek a better life for mankind.

 Albert Einstein


Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.

Andrew Carnegie

Lower taxs on the wealthy to create jobs

6 Aug

Well, there is no such thing as a benevolent company, they do not exist and never have and never will. You can cut taxes on the wealthy and no new jobs will be created; only demand of product will increase job opportunity. I would tend to trust the government considerably more than I would ever trust – entities that cares more about money than human life.


No one really wants big government; however, if big business is allowed to continue on as they have focusing only on the bottom line and not taking into consideration America or Americans.. Americans will lose and they have been. Big business if not regulated will continue to converge on and devour anyone or anything it can profit from. Some may think that is the American Dream but it’s not. It’s just greed with no consideration for anything but money and more money and not a tear will drop for what they destroy or who they destroy along the way. I think I’ll go with government and government regulation on this one. The only thing corporations have in mind is profits and people just do not fit into that equation.


If you can believe that corporate America will take the general population into consideration when doing business then I would support what you say. But right now, what I wrote above is what I see.


Waylaid and wide-eyed

6 Aug

Maybe we liberals could lower the emotion and the posting of passionate statements so we do not look quite as stupid as conservatives do. My whole deal this election is to show folks what the truth is concerning propaganda, miss-information and plain old lies – by either side. I have chosen a side now – I get it. I have been a latent liberal waylaid by the cheap chatter and tricks of the conservative party. Their goal is to keep folks all riled up and upset. If your pissed off, upset or in any state of temporary insanity you will not make good decisions. So why would we allow ourselves to be continually pissed off, upset or in any state of temporary insanity? Believe it or not – hate is a lot of fun. Self righteous indignation has been one of my favorite pastimes as a conservative. Look down and see that everyone less than you is lazy scum bags, look up and see how the rich take advantage of us and complain how it’s not fair. Not anymore…. I got pissed off enough to look for the truth and it lead me here.

The primary tactic conservatives use to keep folks off balance and ignorant is to keep them emotional worked up and angry. This is the total agenda of the conservatives and it works. If you get it, if you take the time to see what’s going on – you can see it works just fine. Why would anyone that makes less than $150k or less vote republican? For Jesus? For the betterment of Americans? For a better America? I don’t think so.

This is from the movie “The American President”

They are (He is) interested in two

things and two things only: Making

you afraid of it and telling you

who’s to blame for it. That, ladies

and gentlemen, is how you win


We are trying to be better humans and look to one another as equals. Hating up or down does not help anything. Chill out and look at the facts; it’s all right there in front of you. No tactics needed, just a little common sense.

Corporations as People?

6 Aug

Corporations as People?

When you give money it to the people it’s a handout and when you give money to the corporations it’s bailout. Shouldn’t people be considered corporations and be bailed out also?


Our Finacial System

6 Aug

The more I look at our financial system the more I find there is no actual financial system in this country. It’s more of a scheme to fleece Americans of their earnings and further empower the wealthy. I’m beginning to regret researching our political and governmental systems to enable myself to make good decisions in the upcoming elections.

One can become somewhat obsessed over the truth about it all… You want to be a Paul Revere and yell at the top of your lungs about what you have witnessed to make people hear and see the state of our country concerning wealth and the distribution of wealth.. Americans heard “the British are coming” because they were aware of the threat. Unless Americans believes there is a threat to them change will not take place.

Took a lot for me to wake up and take a good look, I was pried out of my comfort zone screaming and kicking – but this former conservative has defiantly woken up.